Monday, April 18, 2011

Follow Up the Exit through the gift shop BLOG ANALYSIS DUE WED


Possible Topics:

Compare and Contrast the work of MBW to that of other street artists profiled in the film. How does it stand up?

What does the anonymity of Banksy say to the audience and to the ideas behind his work?

Would MBW's quick rise to fame have been possible without the internet or global networking?

How Did this documentary compare to reality TV?

Do you feel that "Mister Brain Wash" is a legitimate artist who is creating meaningful art?

What does the street art movement say about our voyeuristic culture of surveillance?

What do you think about Terry Guetta's idea of the importance of filming everything. Was he famous before his art? What happened to his family?

Does the fact that the work is illegal change the meaning of the work? Does it weaken or empower it?

Create a blog posting equivalent to a 3 page paper (single-spaced) that initially analyzes Banksey's Exit through the gift shop, describing the over arching meaning and point, followed by answering one of the questions from above.

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